Sunday, November 30, 2008


Left the sherpas at the base camp as they were laughing with the dali lama & headed on up Duncryn Hill in Gartocharn.

All the rain & snow had made the ground almost impassable. I met some South Indians with their local guides, who were given piggybacks, as they were only wearing trainers!

There was a heavy haar, so I was unsure of the view & the day was nearing it’s end, thus I was up against the clock. All these problems & a heavy bog to cross.

The view made the upward climb at pace worthwhile, although I did not have much time to soak & bathe in the view, as I wanted to press on & do the woodland walk down towards the Aber Island view.

Although it was getting darker, the lack of light gave everything that extra dimension & there was a real haunted, spooky, beautiful light surrounding me.

The path down to Loch Lomond was again almost impassable, rain-sodden, bog with the added danger of landing, slipping in/on the many cowpats. I made a mental note to try & get back before total darkness, as I did not rate my chances of getting through these fields in the dark, without having a mishap.

However, as they say the best laid plans……

At the lochside, where it meets the River Endrick, is one of my favourite places on God’s earth. I was totally overcome with the peace, the light & the tranquillity. There was almost no-one else around for miles. The birds were going to roost & a huge heron startled me as I searched in vain for my camera, too late.

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