Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Turkish Delights

‘Bridge to engine room’. Isnt it odd how everything appears to be connected. Listening to Potemkine’s ‘Triton’ (1977) this a.m., I was amazed at how much the violinist reminded me of Jerry Goodman of Flock & later of the Mahavishnu Orchestra.

This sound of 70s retro jazz rock would excite one of my happy highlander friends.

Wasn’t ‘Battleship Potemkine’ a movie by Serge Eisenstein? I have so many new Kazakh & Russian acquaintances at work.

Also last night TCM showed ‘Zabrieski Point’, another of my favourite movies & one with the best soundtrack & the best beginnings & end sequences. I realised how much of the actual music was left off the album. This also reminded me of how the sound on Antonioni’s films outstrips everyone else. He has a great ear for the sound quality of his films.

Why are the phones & the walls of my house covered with photos of Davy Robertson from BBC Scotland news. Is there a cult?

I have just acquired a number of Turkish psychedelic albums & I would suggest that perhaps I might have the largest collection of Turkish psychedelia in Scotland? Actually to be honest much of it sounds closer to krautrock.

I am reminded of my last days in Istanbul, when the atmosphere was tinged with agent provocateurs & the tension was tangible. It was November 73 just around the time of the ‘Midnight Express’ bust. I took to my room in the hotel with an Iranian friend & a large of supply of wood blocks for the stove.

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