Having a High Llama Time
Sometimes in order to learn you have to immerse yourself totally in the subject.
This is a technique I have employed in the past e.g. in order to learn Arabic.
Although the High Llamas have always been chipping away at me, I have frequently shelved this as ‘one day I will need to gather up all my High Llama cds & just play them end to end. I am at this stage now. I always thought of the band as a modern take on the Beach Boys & that is not a bad thing. Is it?
This is causing a little internal conflict due to the death of Charles Gocher. I have accumulated a wealth of new (for me) Sun City Girls items. They are for other days.
The sun has come out over the past few days as we drift into march amid crocuses, daffodils & Mad March hares & the High Llamas are providing the best sunny soundtrack.
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