Bluetooth works like this?
The Nurse With Wound List by tukid20
- All-7-70
- Alternative TV
- Alvaro
- Ame Son
- AMM Music
- Amon Duul
- Amon Duul II
- Anima
- Annexus Quam
- Arbete Och Fritid
- Arcane V
- Archaia
- Archimedes Badkar
- Area
- Gilbert Artman
- Art Bears
- Art Zoyd III
- Arzachel
- Robert Ashley
- Ash Ra Tempel
- Association PC
- Il Balletto Di Bronzo
- Banten
- Franco Battiato
- Han Bennink
- Jacques Berrocal
- Biglietto Per L'inferno
- Birge Gorge Shiroc
- Blue Sun
- Raymond Boni
- Don Bradshaw Leather
- Brainstorm
- Brainticket
- Brast Burn
- Brave New World
- Anton Bruhin
- Bruhwarm Theatre
- Franz De Byl
- John Cage
- Can
- Captain Beefheart
- Chamberpot
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Chene Noir
- Chillum
- Chrome
- Cohelmec Ensemble
- Jean Cohen-Solal
- Collegium Musicum
- Roberto Colombo
- Companyia Electrica Dharma
- Comus
- Cornucopia
- Creative Rock
- Cromagnon
- David Cunningham
- Dadazuzu
- Wolfgang Dauner
- Debris
- Decayes
- Dedalus
- Dharma Quintet
- Dies Irae
- Doodooettes
- Philippe Doray
- Jean Dubuffet
- Dzyan
- Eiliff
- Emtidi
- Eroc
- Etron Fou LeLoublan
- Exmagma
- Patrizio Fariselli
- Faust
- Luc Ferrari
- Fille Qui Mousse
- Floh De Cologne
- Food Brain
- Walter Franco
- Friendsound
- Fred Frith
- Gash
- Ron Geesin
- Gila
- God in Disguise
- Gomorrha
- Gong
- John Greaves and Peter Blegvad
- Fernando Grillo
- Grobschnitt
- Group 1850
- Jean Guerin
- Friedrich Gulda
- Guru Guru
- Hairy Chapter
- Hampton Grease Band
- Henry Cow
- Heratius
- Hero
- Hugh Hopper
- Horde Catalytque Pour La Fin
- Ibliss
- L'infonie
- International Harvester
- Iskra Island
- Jan Dukes De Grey
- King Crimson
- Basil Kirchin
- Kluster
- Frank Kolges
- Kollektiv Rote Rube
- Komintern
- Kraftwerk
- Krokodil
- Steve Lacy
- Lard Free
- Le Forte Four
- Lily
- Limbus 3 and 4
- Bernard Lubat
- Alvin Lucier
- Magma
- Colette Magny
- Mahjun
- Mahogany Brain
- Malfatti and Wittwer
- Michael Mantler
- Albert Marcoeur
- Maschine No. 9
- Mate and Vallancien
- Costin Miereanu
- Min Bul
- Modry Efekt
- Anthony Moore
- Mothers of Invention
- Moving Gelatine Plates
- Fritz Muller
- Thierry Muller
- Musica Elettronica Viva
- Music Improvisation Company
- Mythos
- Napoli Centrale
- Neu!
- Nico
- Night Sun
- Nine Days Wonder
- Nosferatu
- Nu Creative Methods
- Oktober
- Yoko Ono
- Operation Rhino
- Opus Avantra
- Out of Focus
- Ovary Lodge
- Tony Oxley
- Parker and Lytton
- Pataphonie
- Pauvros and Bizien
- Pere Ubu
- Pierrot Lunaire
- Plastic Ono Band
- Plastic People of the Universe
- Pole
- Pop Group
- Michel Portal
- Red Crayola
- Red Noise
- Reform Art Unit
- Steve Reich
- Achim Reichel
- Residents
- Catherine Ribeiro and Alpes
- Terry Riley
- Rocky's Filj
- Ron Pates Debonairs
- Roth Ruhm and Wiener
- Ray Russell
- Terje Rypdal
- Martin Saint Pierre
- Samla Mammas Manna
- Gunter Schickert
- Second Hand
- Secret Oyster
- Seesselberg
- Semool
- Sonny Sharrock
- Silberbart
- Siloah
- Soft Machine
- Sperm
- Sphinx Tush
- Karlheinz Stockhausen
- Stooges
- Demetrio Stratos
- Supersister
- Tamia
- Tangerine Dream
- Technical Space Composers Crew
- Mama Bea Tekielski
- Third Ear Band
- Thirsty Moon
- This Heat
- Jacques Thollot
- Thrice Mice
- Throbbing Gristle
- Paolo Tofani
- Tomorrow's Gift
- Ton Steine Scherben
- Trans Museq
- Uli Trepte
- Twenty Sixty Six and Then
- Univers Zero
- Christian Vander
- Velvet Underground
- Verto
- Patrick Vian
- Michel Waisvisz
- Igor Wakhevitch
- Trevor Wishart
- Woorden
- Robert Wyatt
- Xhol Caravan
- Xhol
- La Monte Young
- Frank Zappa
- Zweistein
- Znr
- Agitation Free
- Pekka Airaksinen
- Airway
- Albrecht D
- Alcrataz
- Algarnas Tradgard
- Anal Magic and Reverend Dwight Frizzel
- Aqsak Maboul
- Steve Beresford
- Philippe Besombes
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Henri Chopin
- Crass
- Come
- Deep Freeze Mice
- Der Plan Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft
- Dome
- Cupol
- Roger Doyle
- Family Fodder
- Flying Lizards
- Free Agents
- Jef Gilson
- Glaxo Babies
- Good Missionaries
- Grand Magic Circus
- Ragnar Grippe
- Pierre Henry
- Juan Hidalgo
- Horrific Child
- Martin Davorin Jagodic
- Osamu Kitajima
- Lemon Kittens
- Magical Power Mako
- Mama Dada 1919
- Mars
- Mnemonists
- Moolah
- Negativland
- New Phonic Art
- Nihilist Spasm Band
- Orchid Spangiafora
- Poison Girls
- Public Image Ltd.
- Bomis Prendin
- Boyd Rice
- Claudio Rocchi
- Smegma
- Sally Smmit
- Snatch
- Taj Mahal Travellers
- Ghedalia Tazartes
- Tokyo Kid Brothers
- Tolerance
- L. Voag
- Lawrence Weiner
- James White and the Contortions
- Whitehouse
- Wired
- Iannis Xenakis
- Ya Ho Wha 13
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