People just don’t know how to behave these days. As my mate Jim would know from his experiences at concerts: everybody’s talking, but no-one’s listening.
This is what should happen in order for communication or dialogue to take place: I speak & you listen & then I stop speaking & you have your opportunity to reply & I will then be a listener. It’s about communication & more importantly respecting & valuing the other person’s view.
All the rules that made me what & who I am e.g. not speaking while eating………….etc… are all ‘oot ra windae’. Why?
Is it the pace of life now? There is no excuse for bad manners. If my wife & myself forget & try & speak while eating, we are often corrected by our son. Good. At least he has been brought up properly.
Listening to the kids in the street the other night, I had a ‘Road to Damascus’ moment. I realised why there was this total cacophony of chatter: like monkeys. No gaps in between voices. It’s all ‘me me me’.
Maybe it’s the lack of 2 parents, teachers with no power to punish, no fear of God, no respect for elders, the additives in the food, the steroids in the fast food, or a combination of all the previous excuses.

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