Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Height of Ashbury

This blog is losing one of its most avid readers for a couple of weeks as the Happy (Hippy) Highlanders are off to San Francisco with flowers in their (what he has left?) hair.

To think they laugh at my collection of tie-dyed t-shirts!

In fact, to be honest, I am a trifle concerned about his apparent philosophical, calm approach to the fact, that he is going through Terminal 5 at Heathrow & thus he has minimal chance of ever seeing his luggage again.

This is particularly important as they have a lot of baggage & kit required for this is a ski trip.

Talking of tie dye, my friend (actually my son’s friend) is getting married soon & when I announced I would be coming along to the church, she warned me off wearing any tie die. She is still traumatised by an earlier wedding, where my sartorial elegance was said to have upstaged the bride.

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