What kind of freakery is this?
Instal 08
I only managed one day this time, the Sunday 17th feb. This was because I was anxious to catch MV & EE & the
I was running a little late, but this was ok as in the past it did not start exactly on time & besides it would be a long day. On entering my jaw dropped to the floor as I started to drift into the cacophony of noise that was Marginal Consort doing their best to sound as epic as AMM or Phil Niblock.
5 Japanese composers of various pedigrees were using/abusing various acoustic sound sources & treating them big style. I was bang in the middle of a 60s happening with the Fluxus brotherhood providing a bent Morricone soundtrack that arced & diced the room.
I managed to secure a seat next to a crazed chap who chucked his collection of bamboo off-cuts over his shoulder onto the stone floor, where it would roll next to my toes making the most beautiful sounds. Sometimes he would pick up twigs (brought from home trees) & switch them through the air contorting his body in a kind of Zen dance, kung fu, step. This also sounded grand.
In other parts of the room, there was complimentary madness & similar freakery (what kind of freakery is this?). There was water being poured from jugs, bubbling, flutes & a terrific unearthly clang that echoed the trains passing below us. It sounded like huge rocks falling from a great height. It probably was, but it was just outside my view.
3 massive hours into the piece, I was drifting off into a droning nap, when the music wound up. Many of the audience had the attention spans of the gnat & wandered in & out disturbing others with their non-essential chat & drinks.
However, they did not shake off the immensity of what we had witnessed. I asked Barry why there was now this huge gap after this performance & before the next. He stated it was to absorb the effect & to get some food. I took his advice & got the opportunity to practice my pigeon Turkish.

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