Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Spot the ‘Wire’ Reader

Reading George Burt’s letter in the ‘Wire’ 288 made me think about the number of ‘Wire’ readers as a percentage of the population of Scotland.

Personally I know quite a few around the Glasgow area alone. I would suggest that there is a disproportionate number & I would guess that this gives rise to such a cutting-edge, music scene, with innovations such as the excellent Instal festival.

There is also a healthy lack of status attitude among Glasgow’s terrific talent. I would include musicians often seen around the area like the ‘Wire’s own David Keenan, the superb Richard Youngs, Bill Wells & George Burt. I have spoken to both George Burt & Bill Wells with the past year & they both exude this ‘down to earthiness’.

Perhaps this confinement to a small also helps create such a cauldron of creativity. The Scottish Music Centre is only a few hundred yards from Mono. I would argue that within that distance the ‘Wire’ is studied in minute detail. I have ‘someone on the inside’ so I know this is a fact.

I would also venture that there are a large number of Scottish librarians devouring the magazine every month & if they are like this present writer, they ensure that they take the whole month to read it, as they await the next publication date.

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