The Dumbing Down of Everything
I hardly ever watch anything on tv these days since it appears to have been taken over by morons to create fodder for other morons.
However sometimes you do get a quality programme. Take for instance the 3 part series: ‘Extreme Pilgrim’ hosted by Peter Owen Jones or should that be Reverend or Minister.
I did not intend to watch it, but my wife was intent on viewing it. I began dipping in & I got drawn into it. The first programme was about Shaolin monks & Peter was right out of his depth & I thought he was a right prat. However during the 2nd programme where he was in India with the Sadhus, I began watching more seriously.
I could relate to his amoebic dysentery illness at the end of his India trip, although hep b is more my disease of choice in India.
I mentioned the series to our kif, & he checked it on the bbc ‘watch again’ option. I was busy trying to catch Gilles Peterson on the ‘listen again’ option.
His search among the major world religion is very interesting, as he is looking at it from the Christian point of view.
The last programme was superb. The star was Father Lazarus, a real cool dude with girly headgear, a massive beard & a well-dodgy undefined accent, who lived for 8 years in a cave in Egypt’s desert. Outstanding!
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