Catcher in the Rye
There is nothing this blog writer enjoys more than a good conspiracy theory. As you know this is where the real truth lurks, if you can see through the smokescreens & the black ops.
At an unlikely venue in Glasgow, the Quaker Hall in Elmbank St, we were given a great insight into an event that could have had such drastic, catastrophic consequences for the world.
Peter Haunam, a journalist you may remember from the Mordechai Vanunu release a few years ago, gave a talk on the Zionist attack on the American ship the USS Liberty during the 6 day war.
I was deeply impressed by this studious, measured, factual account of his research, his book, ‘Operation Cyanide’ & the recent showing of ‘Dead in the Water’ on bbc4.
This was such a calm, confident, self-assured old man, it was difficult to imagine him being such a headline grabber for that brief period. Also he has spent time in a Zionist prison for trying to tell the truth. I would not be surprised if he has an unfortunate accident in the near future like Diane Spencer, Dodi Fahed or Dr Kelly & he will hit the headlines again.