Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Books, Clogs & the Penguin Café Orchestra

After a recent concert by the Books & Clogs @ the Arches, I realised I should go back & listen to the Penguin Café Orchestra as both of these bands reminded me so much of the latter. Yesterday I listened to PCO’s Union Café & it is so good. We are exposed to many of their earlier tracks e.g. Music for a Found Harmonium via adverts on tv. In fact, am I correct in suggesting that the music for adverts is getting better? Last week during the breaks in the football, I heard Donovan’s Sunshine Superman followed by Vashti Bunyans ‘Diamond Days’.

It is only natural that a Librarian would end up listening to a band called, The Books, but being a Librarian has its negative side. We always need to classify objects, items etc it come with the territory. This is why bands like the Books, Clogs, PCO & another band I saw @ the Arches a while ago: the Necks, fall between the cracks or should that be: between the stacks? 3 of these bands names also cause problems for Librarians as they all begin with ‘the’: the indefinite article an absolute nightmare for Classifiers!

Are the Necks jazz or minimalists? Are the Clogs the same? All I would suggest is that they are a combination, stylistically they cross borders. What they all have in common is that they all sound good to these tired ears.

Listening to a lot of the new folk or psychedelic folk artists these days, you soon realise how much cross pollination goes on. Many of these artists have included a range of ethnic nuances or glitchy bits in their sound. A recent discovery: Camille’s Le Fil has a whole range of unexpected colours in her sound.

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