Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Life under the flightpath, pt 786
As I search for sleep, I hear the thumping blood, circulating through it’s dodgy, pump & the drifting outdoor sounds are mashed alongside.
I feel as if I am living inside the Alan Splet soundtrack to ‘Eraserhead’.
Although much is in my head, I hear creaky, old buildings with loose floorboards & dying plumbing & heating systems, ill –fitting doors & windows & leaky, dripping taps long past the need of washers.
Town sounds bleed into the mix; planes, cars, wheelie bins being emptied or somersaulting in the high winds, football in the park, drunks singing Irish rebel songs or just shouting, the constant screaming of the alarms of emergency vehicles, that conjure up images of NY, or a riot.
I wonder why so many young people with to listen to silly music on their iPods, when there are so many more interesting sounds around.
Perhaps it is a control thing: you may wish to use your own choice of music to cover up these environmental sounds?

Life Under the Flightpath pt 111
Perhaps there are unconscious benefits from a life under the flightpath?
Something drives me to go out on my own to wide open spaces, where you only hear the natural sounds of the countryside.
There are no better sounds than a trickling stream or a raging waterfall or birds hovering or the wind in the long grass or the treetops.
Maybe this is what prompted me to give up making my own music & to concentrate on recording the environmental sounds around me.
There is also something very relaxing in the drone of machines.
Recently I have also been listening to some superb soundwalks & I would wish to recommend the outstanding Chris Watson’s work, Resonance Fm – Framework series as well as Touch Radio.
There are lots of great examples of phonography around & some of the websites are great works of art…e.g. check out Punck’s work or as mentioned in early dispatches the ‘Devil’s