Piano Rainbow
Do you sometimes dream that you are 1) playing a piano, where all the keys are black, under an all white rainbow or 2) playing a piano, where all the keys are white, under an all black rainbow? No? Me neither!
Best Bands with Numerals in their Titles, Pt 86
Naturally we have to begin with:
· Unit 4 + 2
· 6 Organs of Admittance
· Current 93
· 3 Mustaphas 3
· ¾ Had been Eliminated
· 13th Floor Elevators
· 23 Skidoo
· 3rd Bardo
· 3 Dog Night
· 3 Suns
· 50 foot hose
· 5th Dimension
· 65 Days of Static
· 9 Horses
Technically David Redford Triad’s – Mystical Path of the number 86 should not be included as it is the title of the album that qualifies, but hey, I can change the rules, baby.
Turning On, Tuning In & Dropping Out:
a guide for a pre-retirement course
‘Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close
of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’
As you approach retirement is Tim Leary’s
advice still essential?
Is it still a viable option as you face
that winter clothing & heating allowance
& that free bus pass?
Huge Bush Shoes
It is difficult to drag oneself out of bed on these cold, dark winter mornings, especially as everyone else seems to be on holiday already.
‘Why do you get up so early?’ I am asked frequently. I expect it is to enjoy that quiet time, that me-time, a time for study & reflection, to catch up on my ‘wire’ mag reading & to listen to those awe inspiring cds by Fursaxa & 6 Organs of Admittance.
In addition it could be my addiction to both caffeine & nicotine & let’s face it after a hit of both drugs my brain kicks in & I can engage in activities like updating my blog.
Davy Graham R.I.P.
The King is dead but not forgotten.
I had mixed feelings, when I caught you live, the first half of the concert was wildly out of tune (accidentally, as someone who dabbled in many tunings should have been well aware of this!), the second half was extraordinary. Maybe that review summed him up.
Across the Hedge & Into Another Dimension
If ‘the Wire’ does it, then it must be Ok. Here is a list of what’s hot @ year end around the Shire:
· United Bible Studies
· Mark Fry – Dreaming of
· Free Design – Everything (old)
· Natural Stone Buildings
· Stag Hare
· Fursaxa
· Cursillatas
· High Places
· Head of Wastatiquet (sp?)
· Ermeralds
· The Acorn
· Pumajaw
· Peomies
· Brightback Morning Light
· Winston Jazz Routine
· In Gowan Ring
Miles Runs the Voodoo Down
When you are totally bombarded by the feeding, media, frenzy, commercialising the birth of Jesus & as the panic causes the January sales to start pre-xmas & attempts to get any cash that 2 of the large ‘parcel of rogues’ (Darling & Brown) have left you, just kick back with Miles.
At 7 a.m. on this wet, bleak Sunday before xmas, I stuck ‘Live- Evil’ in the cd player & was off into another dimension. There is no slow, build up, he just takes you up within the first few bars & you stay up, living the funk, until it stops & you want to hit replay.