NWW @ Tramway
This Midsummer’s Day Dream was a suitable alternative to Pink who was just up the road @ Hampden.
I did not realise there was so many weird & wonderful people around the Glasgow area. Naturally I fitted in very nicely. I was not sure what to expect, but I was hoping for an acoustic version of NWW. This did not happen. It was a skronking, jazz,gltchy, krautrock, workout with what looked like Raymond MacDonald as guest on sax.
At times I could hear an Edgar Broughton Band influence on the mix among the glitches & the groove.
My only complaint was that the set was short (just over an hour), but I was reminded of some of the heftier performances @ Install down the road @ the Arches.
The surrealistic films by Steven Stapleton used as a backdrop are masterpieces & reminded me of films I had watched a month ago at the Tramway.